==READ ME== ------- INSTALL ------- pip install https://svn.felspar.com/public/django-roxy/trunk/ ------ USAGE ------ To see the magic of little roxy, all you need to do is special way to call it in urls.py. By just map the url with 'proxy' view from roxy. >>> proxy("") In urls.py it could be something like this: from roxy.views import proxy origin_one = proxy(settings.ORIGIN_SERVER1) origin_two = proxy(settings.ORIGIN_SERVER2) urlpatterns = patterns('', # Examples: url(r'^origin_server_1/', origin_one, name='proxy1'), url(r'^origin_server_2/', origin_two , name='proxy2'), url(r'^origin_server_3/', proxy('www.places.com'), name='proxy3'), )