[sourcesafe2subversion] ; Temporary scratch file to use Temp=C:\Temp\sourcesafe2subversion-scratch.txt ; History cache location ; History=C:\Temp\sourcesafe2subversion-history ; Directory to place comparison structures into ; Compare=C:\Temp\sourcesafe2subversion-compare ; Suppress startup banner - also -b 1 on the command line ; Banner=1 ; Display internal settings at start of execution - also -s 1 on the command line ; Settings=1 ; Display environment at start of execution - also -e 1 on the command line ; Environment=1 [VSS] ; Directory srcsafe.ini can be found in Database=Sample VSS database ; SS.exe to execute. Must include SS.exe on the end. Defaults to: ; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32\ss.exe ; ss= ; User user=Admin ; Password - only specify if not blank. ; password= [SVN] ; Directory to build in Directory=C:\Temp\SVN ; Root path Root=svn://angelo.felspar.net/private/VSS ; User - defaults to vss_import ; user=vss_import ; Password - defaults to blank password=password [Log] ; Where to save log file. A timestamp will be included in the file name File path=C:\Temp\sourcesafe2subversion.txt ; Log the history reading. This may take a long time on large databases History=1 ; Set to 1 to log the plan events Plan order=1 ; Set to 1 to log the file structure arrived at after the planning stage. This may take a long time on large databases File structure=1 ; Set to 1 to log all executions of external programs CreateProcess=1