path-constant TOP : . ; include $(TOP)/../boost-version.jam ; include ../fost-base/fost.jam ; use-project Boost : ../Boost ; use-project fost-base : ../fost-base ; use-project fost-internet : ../fost-internet ; use-project fost-py : ../fost-py ; fost-project appservicesdk : ../fost-internet/Cpp/include ; # A little "rule" (function) to clean up the syntax of declaring tests # of these extension modules. rule run-test ( test-name : sources + ) { import testing ; testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : : $(test-name) ; } # An install rule for the Python libs rule py-install ( pyd : location ) { install $(location) : $(pyd) : $(TOP)/../dist/lib/python/site-packages/$(location) ; } alias appservicesdk : ../fost-py//fost Cpp/appservices Cpp/appservices-py Python ; alias docs : ../fost-base//docs ../fost-internet//docs #../fost-orm//docs #../fost-py//docs Docs ; explicit docs ; alias examples : Examples/as-dbdriver/ ; explicit examples ; alias fost : ../fost-base//fost ../fost-internet//fost ../fost-orm//fost ; explicit fost ; alias tests : ../fost-base//tests ../fost-internet//tests ../fost-orm//tests ; explicit tests ; alias all : appservicesdk docs examples fost tests ; explicit all ;