using doxygen ; import doxygen ; import path ; doxygen index.html : [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-base/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-base/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-base.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-internet/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-internet/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-internet.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-orm/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-orm/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-orm.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-postgres/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-postgres/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-postgres.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-py/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-py/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-py.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-windows/Cpp/include : *.hpp ] [ path.glob-tree $(TOP)/../fost-windows/Docs : *.hpp *.cpp : fost-windows.hpp ] : -multi # Works around a bug in # Boost.Build in 1.42.0 requires this to be relative ../../../dist/usr/share/fost/ # Relative to Docs in the build folder SEARCH_INCLUDES=YES INCLUDE_PATH=Cpp/include SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES=YES ;